USA 2019. Best selling cars ranking

USA best selling cars

USA best selling Cars ranking in 2019 confirmed for the 45th year the Ford F-Series. leadership keeping the record share obtained in the previous year. The surprise is the advance in second place, first time ever, for Ram pick-up hitting record volume

The Ford F-Series has been market leader in US for the last 45 years and in the most recent years grew up as second best-selling vehicle worldwide, also thanks to the best ever sales and share performance ever done in the US.

Indeed, while during the period 2010-2016 the F-Series share was between the 4.0 and the 4.9%, since the 2017 it exceed the 5.0% with a 2018 record of 5.2%, that should be maintained at the end of the current year.

For the first time ever, in second place there is the Pick up Ram, which grew up in the last decade from 1.2% in the 2010 to a record of 3.1% in the 2018 and in the 2019 flew up 3.7% conquering the second place, ahead of the traditional Ford-F-Series rival, the Chevrolet Silverado, which is third with 3.4% of market share.

Behind, a hard battle between two pickups was registered for the leadership among the car passengers, both achieving in the 2019 their record share. Eventually, the Toyota RAV4 prevailed with 2.6% ahead of the Honda CR-V projected at 2.3% by year-end.

Tables with sales figures

In the tables below we report sales for top 100 Models

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