Malaysia’s car market in 2021 lost 5.2% with 501,972 sales, reporting a very strong first half, followed by a very steep drop in Q3. Mitsubishi reports the best performance this year, gaining 90.9%, while the leader Perodua loses 3.6% share.
Market Trend
The Malaysian car market this year attempted to recover from the pandemic crash of 2020 and reported a very promising performance in the first half, followed by another double-digit fall.
The market grew uninterruptedly from 2012 to 2015 hitting the all-time record with 666.745 units, before declining in 2016 to 583,219 and again in 2017. In 2018 the market started recovering, registering 598,742 units (+3.8%), pushed by the temporary removal of the 6% Goods and Services Tax (GST) on all car purchases since June. In 2019 the market was stable. Indeed, the full year ended with 604,893 registrations, improving 10.3% from the previous year.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic sales fell in 2020. In fact, 529,829 units have been sold, reporting a decline of 12.4% compared to 2019.
In 2021 the year started positively for the Malaysian market, in fact, in Q1 139,499 units have been sold, reporting a 31.3% increase in sales compared to Q1 2020, and in Q2 sales started growing quickly, reporting a 56.6% increase in sales with 106,197 units due to the low volumes in Q2 2020.
In Q3 sales dropped quickly, losing 58.7% sales with 68,861 units, and remained almost flat in Q4 (-0.6%) with 187,415 units.
Indeed, Full-Year sales for 2021 have been 501,972, reporting a 5.2% decrease compared to 2020.

Brand-wise, this year the leader Perodua (-13.6%) lost 3.6% market share and reported the worst performance on the leaderboard, followed by Proton (+2.9%), which gained 1.8% share. Toyota gained 22.4%, gaining 3.2% share. Honda fell in 4th place (-12.3%), followed by Mitsubishi which reported the best performance on the leaderboard gaining 90.9% rose 2 spots.
Nissan -down 1 spot- lost 13.2%, followed by Mazda -down 1 spot- which lost 12.2%, and Isuzu which gained 6.9% sales. Closing the leaderboard we have Ford losing 11.7% and rising 1 spot, and Hino entering the leaderboard and gaining 15.1%.
Tables with sales figures
In the tables below we report sales for all Brands and top 10 Groups.