Reunion’s auto market in 2021 rises by 13.5% with 32,768 sales, reporting a positive in every quarter. Renault is the only brand in the leaderboard to report a drop in sales, losing 10.7%.
Market Trend
Reunion’s car market this year reported a very positive performance, gaining sales in all quarters.
Reunion automotive industry is a beautiful reality near the African coast and in the last years is reporting continue improvements sustained by a healthy economy and stable political and social environment. In the last six years market has grown up hitting in 2018 another all-time record, with sales at 32,832 (+4.9%).
In 2019 33,419 units were sold, reporting a 2% increase in sales compared to the previous year, illustrating a stable market.
Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic full-Year sales for 2020 have been 28,865, reporting a decline of 13.6% compared to 2019.
In 2021 the year started positively for the Reunion market, in fact, in Q1 7,647 units have been sold, reporting a 3.4% increase in sales compared to Q1 2020, and in Q2 sales started growing quickly, reporting a 42.8% increase in sales with 8,640 units sold due to the incredibly low sales volume registered in Q2 2020.
In Q3 sales gained 3.7% with 8,373 units sold, followed by a 10.3% gain in Q4 with 8,108 units sold.
Indeed, Full-Year sales for 2021 have been 32,768, reporting a 13.5% increase compared to 2020.

Brand-wise, this year the leader Peugeot (+21.6%) gained 1.3% market share, followed by Renault (-10.7%), which lost 4.4% share. Citroen (+19.7%) was in the third position and gained 0.7% market share.
The most sold model in the country remains the Renault Clio with 1,725 sales (-24.1%), holding 5.3% market share.