Argentina 2016. THe car market up at best level out of last years

Argentinian Vehicles Market 2016 posted the best performance of the last three years, pushed up by the outstanding increase hit in December and by economic improvements.

Argentina best selling car

Argentina Best Selling Cars 2016. Toyota Hilux on top

Argentina Best Selling Cars 2016 with a new leader, the pick up made by Toyota. The former leader fell in third place overtaken by the Fiat Palio as well. The Peugeot 208 gain 5 spot and join the top 10.

Argentina Best Selling Cars

Argentina Best Selling Cars in 2015. The top 100

Argentina Best Selling Cars in 2015 led again by the Volkswagen Gol, the best since 1988. The subcompact vehicles, produced in Brazil was followed by the Chevrolet Classic and the Toyota Hilux.

Argentina car market

Argentina 2015. The automotive industry have lost again

Argentina Vehicles Industry in 2015 down 6% albeit the relevant recovery reported in the fourth quarter, immediately after the political election and the announcement of new economic policy.

Argentina Vehicles Market

Argentina 2014. Vehicles market lost 29%

In 2014 Argentina Vehicles Market collapsed with December down 43%. As effect of the harsh sales momentum, the market has lost 5 spots in the global ranking and now is the 22nd. Just Toyota & Nissan were up.