UAE auto market in 2020 falls by 29.1% as the pandemic and the fall in oil prices affect sales. Full-Year sales have been 171.252, while Mitusbishi falls by 3.8% share by losing more than half its sales.
Market Trend
The UAE car market has been hit in 2020 by the world-wide COVID-19 pandemic and by the fall of oil price in the international markets, which have impacted sales significantly.
After starting the year with a very slight negative trend (-2.7%), the market quickly collapsed in March as the virus struck, followed by the quick fall of the oil price. The sharpest drop in sales this year was in April when sales declined by 67.1%. The market did not recover very effectively for the rest of the year, in fact, all the following months reported double-digit sales drops. The only month with positive sales in the entire year has been February (+7.4%).
Indeed, Full-Year sales for 2020 have been 171.252, reporting a decline of 29.1% compared to 2019.

Brand-wise, this year the leader Toyota (-21.1%) gained 3.8% market share, followed by Nissan (-26%), which gained 1.2% share, and by Mitsubishi which lost 3.8% share, falling 53.6% and registering the worst performance in the leaderboard. BMW remained in 4th place and lost 40.7%, followed by Kia -up 4 spots- which lost 15.7%, registering the best performance in the leaderboard.
Lexus -down 1 spot- fell in 6th place and lost 25.4%, followed by Hyundai (-35.8%) and Ford -down 2 spots- which lost 44.6% sales. Entering the leaderboard we have Honda -up 2 spots- losing 16.1% this year and Chevrolet in last place losing 39.6%.
The most sold vehicle this year is the Nissan Patrol (-7.6%) with 14.162 units sold, overtaking the Toyota Land Cruiser registering 13.288 new sales this year. The Toyota Hilux (-11.3%) closes the podium and reports 9.451 new units sold.
Tables with sales figures
In the tables below we report sales for top 10 Brands and top 10 models.