Qatar 2017. Auto market has lost the half in three years


Qatar Vehicles Market in 2017 reported a huge -25.6%, the worse performance within GCC area, down near 50% from the 2014 record. While the economy was recovering the Saudi-led boycott, after accuse of terrorism have reduced tourism and disrupted import.

Qatari economy  weathered the diplomatic crisis with Saudi Arabia in Q3, with GDP expanding 1.9% annually, up from Q2’s 0.3% rise. Despite the reduction in tourism, the disruption in imports and heavy withdrawals of deposits from Qatari banks due to the Saudi-led boycott, the Qatari government unveiled a series of initiatives to cope with the crisis.

Incentives to ramp up food supply helped boost production in the primary sector, while government support led the construction sector to expand an astonishing 14.7%.

Qatar Vehicles Market in recent year is declining. Following the all time record established in the 2014, when sales hit the 100.000 units, the fall of oil price in the international market and the consequent restrictive economic policy, hit the consumer demand starting a negative period not yet ended.

Sales fell down for three consecutive years losing the half of 2014 volume and landing at 54.280 units in the 2017, losing a huge 25.6% from the previous year.

The 2018 is foreseen stable, with a marginal recovery, over 60.000 units, despite VAT introduction.

Brand-wise, the leader Toyota has lost 32.1% and led the market ahead of Mitsubishi a(-23.6%) and Nissan (-32.6%).

Tables with sales figures

In the tables below we report sales for Top Brands

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