Mauritius Vehicle Market hit new record in 2014.

Mauritius Vehicle Market

Mauritius Vehicle Market hit new record in 2014 pushed by booming economy and stable government. The Indian ocean paradise overtook South Africa as most advanced economy in the continent.

In 2014, according with data release from the local Authority for Transportation, total new light passenger vehicles sold in the island had been 9.102, up 10.1% from 2013, hitting the new all time record volume, doing better than in 2012 (8.935 units).

Benefiting from a long history of political stability, a good governance record and an open and flexible regulatory system, Mauritius overtook South Africa last year to become the continent’s most competitive economy.

The tiny island country, located some 500 miles east of Madagascar in the middle of the Indian Ocean, is regularly hailed as one of Africa’s success stories — since it gained independence in 1968, Mauritius has had an excellent record of peaceful transition of power with free and fair elections taking place on a regular basis.

Demand for vehicles is moderately fueled by the positive economic environment and is growing year after year.

The best-selling brand in the 2014 was Toyota, leader since 212, with 1.601 sales and 17.6% of market share.

Second was Nissan, which untill 2011 had been market leader, with 1.349 sales, followed by Kia with 1.011 and Hyundai with 828.

Below, you can sort our interactive tables to see data regarding Brands.  Please bear in mind that sales data are subject to adjustments as sources will update their information. This report is updated at the publishing date and will not be modified while the next on this subject will always have the year to date data updated.

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Please consider to purchase the recently published research on this country featuring the recent performance by segment, brand and models Mauritius Car Market Insights.

Wishing to receive a broader picture including the country evolution towards the 2018, you can require the development of the Mauritius Car Market Outlook to 2020.

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