Mozambique’s Auto market in 2021 falls by 10% with 2,952 sales, reporting negative performance all year, except for Q2 due to the low sales of Q2 2020. Leader Toyota keeps gaining share, reaching 23%, despite falling 39.2%.
Market Trend
Mozambique’s car market this year was unable to recover effectively from the crash of 2020, and reported positive sales only in Q2.
The Mozambican vehicle’s market is finally back on track, after an extremely weak 2015-2017 period of time, where registrations were almost only two-third of the 2014 volume. When the market had posted the all-time record in 2014 with 7,286 sales (including HCVs), nobody would have thought there could be a drop in sales at 2,478 units. Indeed, in 2018 the market started recovering with 3,817 units sold (+54%).
In 2019, the market signed the second consecutive annual growth. Indeed, Full-year registrations have been 4,172, up 9.3% from the previous year.
Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic full-Year sales for 2020 have been 3,281, reporting a decline of 21.4% compared to 2019.
In 2021 the year started quite badly for the Mozambique market, in fact, in Q1 900 units have been sold, reporting an 11% decrease in sales compared to Q1 2020, while in Q2 sales started growing due to the incredibly low levels of the previous year, reporting a 152.3% increase in sales with 840 units sold.
In Q3 sales fell again 41.6% with 588 units sold, and in Q4 sales remained down 32.9% with 624 sales.
Indeed, Full-Year sales for 2021 have been 2,952, reporting a 10% decrease compared to 2020.

Brand-wise, this year the leader Toyota (-39.2%) gained 2.3% market share, followed by Ford (-28.7%), which gained 4.5% share. Nissan (-24.1%) was in the third position and lost 0.6% market share.
The most sold model in the country remains the Ford Ranger with 292 sales (-31.1%), holding a stable 17.3% market share.