Mexico best selling cars. The top 100 in the 2017

Mexico Best Selling Vehicle

Best Selling Vehicle ranking in the 2017 with the Nissan Versa leader again followed by the Nissan Pick up and the Chevrolet Spark. The Kia Rio advanced first time in top 10 for a Kia model, just behind the new entrance, Chevrolet Beat.

Mexican automotive industry in recent years grew up both in terms of local production and domestic sales, fueled by a roaring economy, exports to North and South America, landing of new players, usually with both production and sales, like Mazda, Hyundai, Kia. Growing uninterruptedly, domestic sales grew up from 987.000 units in the 2012 to an amazing 2016 record of 1.604.000. Now the propellent is gone and after a stable first half 2017 the market started the decline. In the 2017, according to data released by the A.M.I.A., the Association of Mexican Automotive Industry, the light vehicles sales have been 1.533.000.

As far as the best-selling models ranking in the 2017, the Nissan Versa is market leader with 93.041 sales (+2.8%).

In second place the Nissan Pick-up with 75.324 units (+9.3%) followed in third by the Chevrolet Aveo, with 65.772 (-17.8%).

In fourth place the Volkswagen Vento with 63.402 units (+0.3%) ahead of the Nissan March with 54.063 units (-5.1%) and the Chevrolet Spark with 46.990 (-36.6%).

Behind, the Volkswagen Jetta with 45.246 sales (-25.5%), the Nissan Sentra with 42.746 (-7.0%), the new entrance Chevrolet Beat with 40.220 sales and in 10th place the Kia Rio with 29.096 sales (+139%).

Tables with sales figures

In the tables below we report sales for Top 100 models.

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