maruti india Archives | Focus2Move automotive, research, data, statistics, cars, vehicles, ranking, forecast Wed, 11 Oct 2023 06:49:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 India Auto Market Report Wed, 11 Oct 2023 06:45:32 +0000 Indonesia Auto Market is tracked with the last decade sales figures by all brands and models. You can have access to an Excel Dataset or to a Market Report, including next year's forecast.

India Auto Market is tracked with the last decade sales figures by all brands and models. You can have access to an Excel Dataset or to a Market Report, including next year’s forecast.

Excel Dataset

We purchase new vehicles registrations for 159 countries worldwide – included this one – from the local official authorities and receive a monthly file with raw data by country.

You can have access to this service:

  • Data by Year/Month/Brand/Model/Segment
  • Historical data (from 2010 to last month) and/or to monthly sales update.
  • Next Year’s Forecast
  • Data is released in excel via mail or cloud.

Last 2 years dataset cost €3.000. 

The service cost is correlated with the data perimeter and you will have a customized quotation just contacting us at

Market Report

The report provides a comprehensive and complete overview of the market competitive environment including information on the sales volumes of cars and light commercial vehicles, market size, market share, and industry trends.

Through our comprehensive global sales database and the expertise of seasoned consultants in this field, we can help you gain further insight into the automotive market trends and base your business decisions on actionable data.

Table of contents

  • Country Overview
    • Geography
    • History
    • People & Politics
  • Economic Outlook
    • Economy
    • Infrastructure
  • Market Outlook
    • Market Heritage
    • Car Passenger’s segmentation
    • LCVs segmentation
    • Car Passengers Body Type mix
    • LCVs Body Type mix
    • Premium segment share
    • Chinese OEMs share
  • Key Players
    • Top selling Groups 2022
    • Top selling Brands 2022
    • Premium Brands
    • Chinese Brands
  • Market Data By Model
    • Top selling Models 2022
    • Top models by segment and body type
  • Key Factors for market Evolution
    • Country development
    • Economic Outlook
    • Customer base evolution
    • Low-Carbon Transition Policy
    • Infrastructure & Investments
  • 2023-2028 Volume Forecast
    • TIV evolution by segment
    • Cars and LCVs forecast
    • Segments forecast
    • Premium segment share forecast
    • Chinese OEMs share forecast
    • Forecast by Manufacturer

Price for market research: €2,500

Price for market research + Last 2 Years dataset in excel: €4,000

For further inquiries contact us at

Azerbaijan Autos Market Report 2010-2025 Mon, 10 Aug 2020 09:13:34 +0000 Azerbaijan Autos Market Report 2010-2025 features historical data and insights plus professional forecast on new vehicles sales by type, manufacturer, brand and model providing an easy-to-use picture of current and future competitive landscape.

Research Contents

Focus2move Automotive Market Reports provide a comprehensive and extensive overview about this market including information on the cars and light commercial market size, market share and industry trends, with a deep segment analysis and full data for brands and models in the last two years, plus forecast by T.I.V:, segments and brand up to 2025.

We can help you gain further insight into the automotive market trends and gain valuable automotive consumer data.

Make sure you stay one step ahead of your competitors!

Focus2move market analysis can help you make informed business decisions by providing up-to-the-minute automotive industry intelligence.

Contents are:

Historical Data 2010-2019

  1. Global Vehicles Market Data
    1. Global light vehicles sales
    2. Global light vehicles market trend
    3. Global Industry by type
    4. Light Vehicles industry mix
    5. Global car passenger’s sales
    6. Global car passenger’s sales trend
    7. Global LCVs sales
    8. Global LCVs sales trend
    9. Global Premium segment sales
    10. Global Premium segment share on market
  2. Introduction to the country
    1. Geographical position
    2. The country essence
    3. Historical heritage
    4. Key economic findings
  3. Market vehicles industry data & trends
    1. Light Vehicles sales 2010-2019
    2. Light Vehicles trend 2011-2019
    3. Total Industry by Type 2010-2019
    4. Light Vehicles Industry mix 2010-2019
    5. Car passenger’s sales 2010-2019
    6. Car passenger’s sales trend 2011-2019
    7. LCVs sales 2010-2019
    8. LCVs sales trend 2011-2019
    9. Vehicles Fleet 2010-2016
    10. Vehicles Fleet trend 2011-2016
    11. Car Passenger’s Fleet 2010-2016
    12. Car Passenger’s Fleet trend 2011-2016
    13. Commercial Vehicles Fleet 2010-2016
    14. Commercial Vehicles Fleet trend 2011-2016
    15. Total Vehicles production 2011-2017
    16. Total vehicles production variation 2012-2017
    17. Car Passenger’s production 2013-2017
    18. Car Passenger’s production variation 2012-2017
    19. Commercial Vehicles production 2012-2017
    20. Commercial Vehicles production variation 2013-2017
  4. Performance by brand 2018-2019
    1. All Vehicles sales & share table 2018-2019
    2. Car Passenger’s Segment sales & share table 2018-2019
    3. Commercial vehicles sales & share table 2018-2019
    4. Cars Passenger’s Top 10 Brands trend 2010-2019
    5. LCVs Top 10 Brands trend 2010-2019
    6. Top 10 Groups sales volume 2010-2019
    7. Top 10 Groups market share 2010-2019
    8. Top 10 Groups sales volume 2010-2019
    9. Top 10 Groups market share 2010-2019
    10. Top 10 Cars Manufacturers  trend 2010-2019
  5.  Premium Brands performance
    1. Premium brands sales volume 2010-2019
    2. Premium segment market share 2010-2019
    3. Premium brands sales 2017-2019
    4. Premium brands share 2017-2019
    5. Top Models sales 2017-2019
    6. Top models share 2017-2019
  6. Car Passenger’s segmentation
    1. Car Passenger’s segmentation – size 2019
    2. Sales distribution by segment 2019
    3. Segment A share and volumes 2010-2019
    4. Segment B share and volumes 2010-2019
    5. Segment C share and volumes 2010-2019
    6. Segment D share and volumes 2010-2019
    7. Segment E share and volumes 2010-2019
    8. Segment F share and volumes 2010-2019
  7. Car Passenger’s segmentation – Body
    1. Sales distribution by segment 2019
    2. Coupe share and volumes 2010-2019
    3. Hatchback share and volumes 2010-2019
    4. MPV share and volumes 2010-2019
    5. Sedan share and volumes 2010-2019
    6. SUV share and volume 2010-2019
  8. Car Passenger’s models performance
    1. Best-selling models – Cars Top 10 sales 2019
    2. Best-selling models – Cars Top 10 share 2019
    3. All models sales and share – Cars 2017-2019
  9. CVs segment analysis & data
    1. CVs mix evolution 2010-2019
    2. CVs segments mix 2019
    3. Light Bus sales and trend 2010-2019
    4. Van Small sales and trend 2010-2019
    5. Van Mid sales and trend 2010-2019
    6. Van Large sales and trend 2010-2019
    7. Pick ups sales and trend 2010-2019
    8. LCV Truck sales and trend 2010-2019
    9. LCV Truck sales and trend 2010-2019
    10. Top 10 models sales and market share 2019
    11. All models sales and share – LCVs 2018-2019
  10. LCVs models performance
    1. Best-selling models – Top 10 sales 2019
    2. Best-selling models – Top 10 share 2019
    3. All models sales and share 2018-2019

AX – Sources
AX – Methodology

India 2018. Car market hits a new All Time Record Sat, 05 Jan 2019 18:38:20 +0000 Indian Autos Market in 2018 registered a new all-time record, closing the year at 3.381.696 sales (+4.8%), despite a declining second half due to weakening Rupee, raising fuel prices and interest rates. However, Maruti managed to end up 8% ahead of Hyundai and Mahindra.

Indian Autos Market in 2018 registered a new all-time record, closing the year at 3.381.696 sales (+4.8%), despite a declining second half due to weakening Rupee, raising fuel prices and interest rates. However, Maruti managed to end up 8% ahead of Hyundai and Mahindra.

Economic Environment

Indian economy slowed in the second quarter of fiscal year 2018, which ran from July to September, compared to the first quarter. The slowdown was due to a weaker rise in private consumption and substantially faster growth in imports of goods and services. Private consumption appeared to be weighed on by cautious spending among rural households amid a weak crop harvest and low agricultural commodity prices.

Imports, meanwhile, were likely stoked by higher oil prices. On a brighter note, there were stronger expansions in public consumption, fixed investment and exports in the second quarter. Turning to the third quarter, the outlook appears mixed: Although the private-sector PMI hit an over two-year high in November, consumer confidence slipped in the same month.

Overall, economic growth is expected to accelerate this fiscal year due to faster private consumption and investment growth. However, fiscal slippage in the run-up to the general elections next year, global trade protectionism and oil price volatility all cloud the outlook.

Market Trend

Indian vehicles market is the 5th largest in the World and is very close to outpace Germany for the 4th. In the last fourth years the market has taken a stable growing pathway hitting the all time record any year.

In the 2017,  on top of new GST effective for all sectors, the automotive industry was affected by the new Automotive policy, effective from July 1st, having the Government changed vehicles duties aiming to sustain vehicles of reduced dimensions (below the 4 meters) and to reduce the emission level.

The new law is basically similar to the previous one and should not change the industry basic with the dominion of local-made small vehicles and the growth of SUV segment just in the compact derivatives. However, the law includes a sort of luxury tax for high cylinder engines, penalizing the sales for Premium brands.

According to data released by the SIAM, the local association of manufacturers, the 2017 ended with the new record level, at 3.223.429 car passenger’s sales, first time above the 3 million and up 8.7%.

In the 2018 the  car passenger’s market reached again a new all-time record.

Indeed, the market year has ended with 3.381.696 sales (+4.8%), not including light commercials, scoring a new record after the great performance registered in 2017. However, after a spectacular start, closing the first half up 13.2%, the second part of the year have weakened due to a fall in Rupee and an increase in interest rates and fuel prices.

Competitive Arena

At brand-wise, in 2018 Maruti improved a robust 8% with 1.731.179 sales and its market share over 50%.

Hyundai was second with 550.002 sales (+3.5%) ahead of Mahindra & Mahindra with 227.491 (+2.4%), Tata – in sharp recovery after a prolonged crisis – with 214.489 (+26.3%), Honda with 175.073 (-2.2%), Toyota with 151.266 (+8.4%), Ford with 97.804 (+11.7%), Renault with 82.368 (-26.8%), Volkswagen with 37.029 (-22.5%) and in 10th place Datsun with 34.375 (-15%).

At model wise, the 2018 market leader was Maruti Dzire with 264.612 sales (+17.6%) followed by the Maruti Alto with 256.661 (-0.4%) and the Maruti Swift with 223.630 (+33.6%).

Tables with sales figures

In the tables below we report sales for all Brands, top 10 Manufacturers Group and top 10 Models.

This content is for members only. Visit the site and log in/register to read.
India 2017. New Auto market at third All-Time Record in a row Tue, 16 Jan 2018 05:00:05 +0000 Indian Vehicles Market hit in 2017 the third all time record in a row, with over 3.3 million cars sold. Favorite by the new automotive policy, Maruti ended near 50% of market share while all Premium brands are gaining terrain, albeit new luxury tax effect.

Indian Vehicles Market hit in 2017 the third all time record in a row, with over 3.3 million cars sold. Favorite by the new automotive policy, Maruti ended near 50% of market share while all Premium brands are gaining terrain, albeit new luxury tax effect.

Indian economic recovery is gradually taking hold following a lackluster performance in Q1 FY 2017. The economy grew at a faster 6.3% in year-on-year terms in Q2 FY 2017—which runs from July to September—with the effects of demonetization and the implementation of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) gradually dissipating.

Although the fourth quarter got off to a weaker start, with seasonal effects dragging on economic activity in October, stronger data for November, including auto sales and the manufacturing PMI, suggests that the economy remains on a recovery path.

Indian vehicles market is the 5th largest in the World and is very close to outpace Germany for the 4th. In the last fourth years the market has taken a stable growing pathway hitting the all time record any year, with 2016 at 2.9 million car passengers sold.

In the 2017,  on top of new GST effective for all sectors, the automotive industry was effected by the new Automotive policy, effective from July 1st, having the Government changed vehicles duties aiming to sustain vehicles of reduced dimensions (below the 4 meters) and reduce the emission level.

The new law is basically similar to the previous one and should not change the industry basic with the dominion of local made small vehicles and the growth of SUV segment just in the compact derivatives. However, the law includes a sort of luxury tax for high cylinder engines, penalizing the sales for Premium brands.

According to data released by the SIAM, the local association of manufacturers, the year ended with the new record level, at 3.223.429 sales, first time above the 3 million, up 8.7%

2018 outlook is still favorable and the limit of the growth is represented by the inadequate infrastructures of the country and by the huge pollution, in absence of any real strategy to limit it.

At brand-wise, Maruti was clearly favorite by new rules and ended the year with a record of 1.6 million sales (+14.9%) and 49.7% of market share.

Hyundai was second with 527.000 sales (+5.4%) ahead of Mahindra & Mahindra with 222.000 units (-1.2%), Honda with 179.000 units (+14.7%), Tata with 169.000 (+18.8%), Toyota with 139.000 (+4.0%), Renault with 112.000 (-14.9%), Ford with 87.588 (+1.2%), Volkswagen with 48.086 (+1.6%) and in 10th place Datsun with 40.445 (+6.4%).

At model wise, the leader was Maruti Alto with 257.000 sales year to date (+5.2%) followed by the Maruti Swift Dzire with 225.000 (+11.4%) and the Maruti Baleno with 175.000 (+63.6%).

As Annual Member, you are entitled to see the Top 100 selling models list for current and previous years.

Tables with sales figures

In the tables below we report sales for all Brands, top 10 Manufacturers Group and top 10 Models

This content is for members only. Visit the site and log in/register to read.
India market report. Full Year 2016. New record Thu, 12 Jan 2017 06:00:11 +0000 India Auto 2016 scene hit the new all time record with light vehicles over 3.5 million units, first time ever, ranking as the global 5th market. Renault staring with a phenomenal score.

India Auto 2016 scene hit the new all time record with light vehicles over 3.5 million units, first time ever, ranking as the global 5th market. Renault staring with a phenomenal score.

Market Outlook

India’s economy gained steam in Q2 FY 2016, but failed to fire on all cylinders. Positive impulses to consumption from a near normal monsoon and public pay hikes drove the pick-up in GDP growth, however, a sharp fall in investment and a muted performance in the external sector prevented growth from hitting market expectations.

The economy’s momentum is likely to have faltered in Q3 FY 2016, hit by the government’s bold demonization program. Cash shortages have been reported and leading indicators suggest they are hitting activity:

Signs of demonization effects had been seen in the domestic vehicles market that in December fell 1.2% at 228.992 units, breaking a winning series started in November 2014 after 25th months of y.o.y. growth.

However the 2016 hit the new all time record for the Indian car passenger’s market, the second in a row.

According to data released by the SIAM, the Society of Indian Automotive Manufacturers, in new vehicles sales had been 2.964.000, up 6.9%.

When considering the LCVs market, preliminary reported at 550.000 units (-7.1%) the total light vehicles domestic sales were just over the 3.5 million units, first time ever.

Indian market in the 2016 ranked 5th globally after China, US, Japan and Germany and ahead of U.K. and France.

Competitive Arena

In a generally positive year for all the players, the 2016 definitively was the year of Renault, boomed 147.5% at over 132.000 sales and advancing in 5th place. The year was negative for Honda, Toyota, Chevrolet, Audi and Fiat.

Maruti sales were very close to 1.4 million while Hyundai hit the milestone of half a million sales.

At model wise, the year was almost dynamic with many new models launched and really well accepted by the public.

However, the top of the list did not changed with the Maruti Alto first with 245.094 sales (-9.9%) ahead of the Maruti Dzire with 202.000 (-14.4%) and the Maruti Wagon R with 173.000 (+1.7%).

Wishing to see the best-selling cars ranking for the top 100 models, just read the dedicated report.

Tables with sales figures

In the tables below we report sales for all Brands, top 10 Manufacturers Group and top 10 Models

This content is for members only. Visit the site and log in/register to read.