best-cars Archives | Focus2Move automotive, research, data, statistics, cars, vehicles, ranking, forecast Mon, 16 Oct 2023 16:02:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Zambia Auto Market Report 2018-2028 Mon, 16 Oct 2023 06:00:34 +0000 Zambia Auto Report 2018-2028 features historical data, market insights plus professional forecast on new vehicles sales by type, manufacturer, brand, and model providing an easy-to-use picture of the competitive landscape and its evolution.

Zambia Auto Report 2018-2028 features historical data, market insights plus professional forecast on new vehicles sales by type, manufacturer, brand, and model providing an easy-to-use picture of the competitive landscape and its evolution.

Focus2move Automotive Market Reports provide a comprehensive and complete overview of the competitive environment including information on the sales volumes of cars and light commercial vehicles, market size, market share, and industry trends. The research also provides a deep analysis of segments and complete data for brands and models in the last two years, plus forecasts for total market sales, segments, and brands up to 2028.

Through our comprehensive global sales database, and the expertise of seasoned consultants in the field, we can help you gain further insight into the automotive market trends and base your business decisions on actionable data.

Make sure you stay one step ahead of your competitors!

Focus2move market reports can help improve your data-driven decision-making process by providing up-to-the-minute automotive industry intelligence.

Table of contents

  • Country Overview
    • Geography
    • History
    • People & Politics
  • Economic Outlook
    • Economy
    • Infrastructure
  • Market Outlook
    • Market Heritage
    • Car Passenger’s segmentation
    • LCVs segmentation
    • Car Passengers Body Type mix
    • LCVs Body Type mix
    • Premium segment share
    • Chinese OEMs share
  • Key Players
    • Top selling Groups 2022
    • Top selling Brands 2022
    • Premium Brands
    • Chinese Brands
  • Market Data By Model
    • Top selling Models 2022
    • Top models by segment and body type
  • Key Factors for market Evolution
    • Country development
    • Economic Outlook
    • Customer base evolution
    • Low-Carbon Transition Policy
    • Infrastructure & Investments
  • 2023-2028 Volume Forecast
    • TIV evolution by segment
    • Cars and LCVs forecast
    • Segments forecast
    • Premium segment share forecast
    • Chinese OEMs share forecast
    • Forecast by Manufacturer

Price for market research: €2,500
Price for data by model for the past 2 years in excel: €3,000
Price for market research + data by model in excel: €4,000

For further inquiries contact us at



Kenya 214. New Vehicles Market up 16% Tue, 24 Mar 2015 06:30:13 +0000 Kenya New Vehicles Market up 16% in 2014 recovering from the previous year but not yet growing in line with the market potential, penalized by strong import of pre-owned vehicles. Mitsubishi dominates the market.

Kenya New Vehicles Market up 16% in 2014 recovering from the previous year but not yet growing in line with the market potential, penalized by strong import of pre-owned vehicles. Mitsubishi dominates the market.

In 2014, according to data released by the Kenya Motor Industry (KMI) the total new light passengers vehicles sold in Kenya had been 8.244, up 16.2% from the previous year. The market looks not yet mature to grow and stand as the 93rd in the World.

New vehicles market is struggling to emerge against the dominance of imported pre-owned vehicles and the still poor level of roads infrastructures.

The little market is dominated by off-road vehicles, with 17 SUVs and pick-ups models in the top 20 vehicles sold.

Logically, brands specialized in these vehicles are leading the market, with Mitsubishi on top of the list with 2.774 sales and one third of market share, follwed by Toyota with 1.665 and Isuzu with 1.467 units.

The best three brands held the 71.7% of market share.

As far as the best-selling models, the leader was the Mitsubishi L200 with 1.400 sales, +28.8% from 2013, and 17.0% of market share, up 2.0 points of share.

The second was the Isuzu D-Max with 1.000 units, +7.9%, followed by the Mitsubishi Outlander with 800 sales, +28.8%.

Research, Consulting, Data & Forecast

F2M covers intensively this market with several products developed to help any investigation required. Market Researches in PDF are immediately available for download with study on the market since 2005 and with forecast up to the 2025. Auto Data in EXCEL are immediately downloadable with annual sales volume, split by month, for all brands and all models distributed in the market. This year data are released year to date, but you will receive a monthly update until the year-end. All these and more within the  Kenya Corner Store.

The 100 Best Selling Cars in Europe – full year 2014 ranking Mon, 26 Jan 2015 12:00:49 +0000 The 100 Best Selling Cars in Europe – full year 2014 ranking was dominated by Volkswagen with an amazing +22% performed by the Golf and with Polo beating Clio, Fiesta and Focus. Toyota Yaris shines.

The 100 Best Selling Cars in Europe – full year 2014 ranking was dominated by Volkswagen with an amazing +22% performed by the Golf and with Polo beating Clio, Fiesta and Focus. Toyota Yaris shines.

In December 2014, according to data released by all Car Manufacturers local Associations and by ACEA, the total Light Passengers Vehicle (cars + light commercial vehicles) sold in Europe (44 countries) have been 1.5 million, up a robust 4.2% from the correspondent month last year.

Full Year 2014 sales in Europe have been 18.0 million, up 1.5% from 2013.

On top of the 100 best-selling cars model in the continent there was – as happen since ever – the Volkswagen Golf  that was dramatically energized by the launch of the seventh generation and in the last month benefitting from the wagon derivative launch.

Amazing was the +22.5% increase with Golf sales at a record 608.440 volume. Europe represents the 64% of global Golf sales.

Second was the Volkswagen Polo with 367.116 units (-0.6%) followed by the Renault Clio with 346.737 (+6.4%), Ford Fiesta with 324.107 (+1.9%) and Ford Focus with 278.266 (-12.7%).

In 6th place the Opel Corsa that has minimized the loss at 0.5% despite the run out of the old model and the ramp up of last generation launched in autumn.

Nissan Qashqai has lost one spot and 3.2% of sales (at 250.316) despite the launch of second generation.

Thanks to a boom on Hybrids demand, Toyota Yaris advanced in 11th place, +4 spots.

See here reports on European statistics for Brands or Markets updated at December 2014.

Data on the 44 European countries are sourced by Mobility Database, aggregating data from all National Carmaker Associations or Dealers Associations, including, for the European Community, the European Automobile Manufacturers Association.

Data combined the 28 countries of European Community plus the 3 E.F.T.A. (Norway, Iceland and Switzerland) plus East and South European countries like Russia, Turkey, Ukraine, Bosnia, Serbia, Macedonia, Moldova, Belarus, Moldova, Armenia, Georgia, and Albania. We also include little countries like Monaco and Liechtenstein, despite for these countries data are preliminary and subject at a late update.

Below, you can sort our interactive tables to see statistics regarding Brands and Groups. Please bear in mind that sales data are subject to adjustments as sources will update their information. This report is updated at the publishing date and will not be modified while the next on this subject will always have the year to date data updated.

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