cifras de venta de coches Archives | Focus2Move automotive, research, data, statistics, cars, vehicles, ranking, forecast Thu, 16 Nov 2023 15:11:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Spain 2023. YTD Sales Up To October Grow 18.5% From 2022 Thu, 09 Nov 2023 20:00:17 +0000 Spanish Autos Market in October 2023 surges 18.0%, posting 77,848 new sales and rising for the 10th month in a row. YTD figures at 789,388 are up 18.5% from the prior year.

Spanish Autos Market in October 2023 surges 18.0%, posting 77,848 new sales and rising for the 10th month in a row. YTD figures at 789,388 are up 18.5% from the prior year.

Market Trend and Outlook

The Spanish Autos market in October 2023 surges 18.5%, posting 77,848 new sales and rising for the 10th month in a row. YTD figures at 789,288 are up 18.5% from the previous year.

Looking at cumulative data up to October 2023 brand-wise, Toyota maintains 1st with 66,775 sales (+11.0%), followed by Kia at 55,514 (+6.2%), Volkswagen  at 53,161 (+7.9%) and Peugeot -up 1 spot- at 51,485 sales (+10.3%).

Seat rises 1 spot into 5th position with 49,890 sales (+19.1%), in front of Hyundai at 47,813 (-4.7%), Renault at 46,042 (+31.9%) and Dacia at 39,310 sales (+28.2%).

Citroen falls 2 spots into 9th with 36,762 sales (+3.3%) and Mercedes closes the Top 10 with 35,485 registrations (+18.0%).

Looking at specific models the Seat Arona is on top of the rankings with an 28.6% increase in YTD sales, followed by the Peugeot 2008 up 30.0%.

Medium-Term Market Trend

Following 3 years of losses in 2013 the Spanish autos market started recovering, a growth that would last 6 years and would move sales from 744k to a peak of 1.34 million reached in 2018.

In 2019 sales staggered around the 1.3 million mark, but with the arrival of the pandemic in 2020 they fell 34.6% to 852k registrations. This would put the Spanish market in a difficult situation in the following two years.

After the pandemic car passengers sales remained practically flat in 2021 with 859k sales reported (+0.9%). 2022 performed even worse, losing 4.5% in y/y sales.

Despite posting a strong start in 2023, growing more than 50% just in January, the market will have to confront some key issues that put downward pressure on demand: first of all the current European sentiment pushing consumers towards EVs, a substantially more expensive alternative for Spanish consumers; secondly in the last year the global automotive scene has witnessed  a disruption in supply chains caused by a lack of raw materials for microchips, the has lead to manufactures to increase overall prices.

Tables with sales figures

In the tables below we report sales for all Brands, top 10 Manufacturers’ Groups, and top 10 Models.

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Argentina Auto Market Data & Report Mon, 16 Oct 2023 06:30:13 +0000 Argentina Auto Market is tracked with the last decade sales figures by all brands and models. You can have access to an Excel Dataset or to a Market Report, including next year's forecast.

Argentina Auto Market is tracked with the last decade sales figures by all brands and models. You can have access to an Excel Dataset or to a Market Report, including next year’s forecast.

Excel Dataset

We purchase new vehicles registrations for 159 countries worldwide – included this one – from the local official authorities and receive a monthly file with raw data by country.

You can have access to this service:

  • Data by Year/Month/Brand/Model/Segment
  • Historical data (from 2010 to last month) and/or to monthly sales update.
  • Next Year’s Forecast
  • Data is released in excel via mail or cloud.

Last 2 years dataset cost €3.000. 

The service cost is correlated with the data perimeter and you will have a customized quotation just contacting us at

Market Report

The report provides a comprehensive and complete overview of the market competitive environment including information on the sales volumes of cars and light commercial vehicles, market size, market share, and industry trends.

Through our comprehensive global sales database and the expertise of seasoned consultants in this field, we can help you gain further insight into the automotive market trends and base your business decisions on actionable data.

Table of contents

  • Country Overview
    • Geography
    • History
    • People & Politics
  • Economic Outlook
    • Economy
    • Infrastructure
  • Market Outlook
    • Market Heritage
    • Car Passenger’s segmentation
    • LCVs segmentation
    • Car Passengers Body Type mix
    • LCVs Body Type mix
    • Premium segment share
    • Chinese OEMs share
  • Key Players
    • Top selling Groups 2022
    • Top selling Brands 2022
    • Premium Brands
    • Chinese Brands
  • Market Data By Model
    • Top selling Models 2022
    • Top models by segment and body type
  • Key Factors for market Evolution
    • Country development
    • Economic Outlook
    • Customer base evolution
    • Low-Carbon Transition Policy
    • Infrastructure & Investments
  • 2023-2028 Volume Forecast
    • TIV evolution by segment
    • Cars and LCVs forecast
    • Segments forecast
    • Premium segment share forecast
    • Chinese OEMs share forecast
    • Forecast by Manufacturer

Price for market research: €2,500

Price for market research + Last 2 Years dataset in excel: €4,000

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Spain 2022. Autos Market Closes 4.5% Lower Than 2021 Tue, 03 Jan 2023 17:30:52 +0000 Spanish autos market in December 2022 falls, interrupting the previous 4 month uptrend with 73,927 sales (-14.1%). 2022 closes 4.5% lower than the previous year with 813,366 cumulative sales.

Spanish autos market in December 2022 falls, interrupting the previous 4 month uptrend with 73,927 sales (-14.1%). 2022 closes 4.5% lower than the previous year with 813,366 cumulative sales.

Market Trend and Outlook

In December 2022 the Spanish auto market falls, interrupting the previous 4 month uptrend with 73,927 sales (-14.1%). 2022 closes 4.5% lower than the previous year with 813,366 sales  

Looking at cumulative data from 2022 brand-wise, Toyota moves up 2 spots into 1st with 73,504 sales (+17.8%), followed by Kia at 63,345 (+13.0%), Hyundai  at 59,503 (+1.6%) and Volkswagen at 58,875 sales (-1.1%).

Peugeot falls into 5th position with 54,737 sales (-19.5%), in front of Seat at 49,200 (-27.5%), Renault at 45,516 (-12.4%) and Citroen at 43,160 sales (-7.4%).

Dacia maintains 9th with 37,682 sales (-5.7%) and Mercedes closes the Top 10 with 36,478 registrations (+6.9%).

Tables with sales figures

In the tables below we report sales for all Brands, top 10 Manufacturers’ Groups, and top 10 Models.

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Spain 2021. Seat Gains Leadership In Market Still Unable To Grow Again Fri, 28 Jan 2022 10:13:14 +0000 Spain's car market in 2021 gains only 0.2% with 859,496 sales, reporting a positive performance only in Q2. Seat reaches the top of the leaderboard, overtaking Peugeot and gaining 3.4% sales.

Spain’s car market in 2021 gains only 0.2% with 859,496 sales, reporting a positive performance only in Q2. Seat reaches the top of the leaderboard, overtaking Peugeot and gaining 3.4% sales.

Market Trend

The Spanish car market this year attempted to recover from the pandemic crash of 2020, but reported positive performance only in Q2, leading to a flat yearly performance.

Spanish vehicles market was recovering year-after-year since the tremendous fall reported after the 2009 crisis when volume dropped by over half. The government has sustained the recovery of the industry, crucial for a market that is the second major auto producer in Europe, with an incentive plan called PIVE, which sustains a scrap of old vehicles when purchasing a new one, with low emission levels.

PIVE program has been modulated across the years becoming a stable sustain to the domestic market and in the last six years it grew up from less than 0.7 million cars in 2012 to almost 1.3 million units in 2019.

The market has suffered tremendously in 2020 reflecting the heavy impact the pandemic had on the entire country. In fact, the fall was so harsh that we recorded the lowest annual volume for the country since 2013, 858,022 were sold, reporting a decline of 31.8% compared to the previous year.

In 2021 the year started negatively for the Spanish market, in fact, in Q1 186,064 units have been sold, reporting a 17.5% decrease in sales compared to Q1 2020, while in Q2 sales started growing quickly, reporting a 123.5% increase in sales with 270,783 units due to the incredibly low volumes in Q2 2020.

In Q3 sales were falling in double-digits again, losing 25.2% sales with 191,125 units, and in Q4 211,524 units were sold (-17.3%).

Indeed, Full-Year sales for 2021 have been 859,496, reporting a 0.2% increase compared to 2020.

Spain quarterly sales variation
Spain quarterly sales variation

This year the new leader Seat (+3.4%) gained 0.3% market share, overtaking Peugeot (-1.8%), which lost 0.2%, followed by Toyota -up 1 spot-, gaining 8.2%.  Volkswagen fell 1 spot (-7.6%), followed by Hyundai -up 3 spots- which reported the best performance, gaining 26.7%.

Kia remained in 6th position this year, rising 20.2% sales, followed by Renault (-7.9%)-down 2 spots- and Citroen which fell 1 spot and gained 0.7% sales. Closing the leaderboard we have Dacia -up one spot- losing 6.6% this year and BMW entering the leaderboard, losing 0.1%.

The most sold vehicle this year has been the Seat Arona (+42.8%) with 21,946 units sold, followed by the Hyundai Tucson, which gained 66.8% registering 21,258 new sales this year. The Dacia Sandero (-15%) falls in 3rd position with 20,419 units sold.

Tables with sales figures

In the tables below we report sales for all Brands, top 10 Manufacturers’ Groups, and top 10 Models.

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Spain 2020. Car market reaches lowest point since 2013, losing 31.8% Fri, 08 Jan 2021 09:53:36 +0000 Spanish auto market in 2020 falls by 31.8% as the pandemic and lockdowns affect sales. Full-Year sales have been 858.022, the lowest annual volume since 2013. The Dacia Sandero ends 12-year streak of Seat domination as most sold car in Spain.

Spanish auto market in 2020 falls by 31.8% as the pandemic and lockdowns affect sales. Full-Year sales have been 858.022, the lowest annual volume since 2013. The Dacia Sandero ends 12-year streak of Seat domination as most sold car in Spain.

Market Trend

The Spanish car market has suffered tremendously in 2020 reflecting the heavy impact the pandemic had on the entire country. In fact, the fall was so harsh that we recorded the lowest annual volume for the country since 2013.

Spanish vehicles market was recovering year-after-year since the tremendous fall reported after the 2009 crisis when volume dropped by over half. The government has sustained the recovery of the industry, crucial for a market that is the second major auto producer in Europe, with an incentive plan called PIVE, which sustains a scrap of old vehicles when purchasing a new one, with low emission levels.

PIVE program has been modulated across the years becoming a stable sustain to the domestic market and in the last six years it grew up from less than 0.7 million cars in 2012 to almost 1.3 million units in 2019.

After starting the year with a slight negative trend, the market quickly collapsed in March as the virus struck. The sharpest drop in sales this year was in April when sales declined by 96.5% since the entire country was in a complete lockdown. The market recovered in the following months up until a very slight growth in July (+1.1%) but experienced another fall as the second wave of infections hit the country.

Indeed, Full-Year sales for 2020 have been 858.022, reporting a decline of 31.8% compared to 2019.

Spain monthly variation in sales 2020
Spain monthly variation in sales 2020

Brand-wise, the Spanish market is one of the less concentrated in the world, in fact, the top 10 brands control only 70.3% of the market, but this number has been rising quickly this year, since last year the control of the biggest manufacturers was 7.2% lower.

This year the leader Peugeot (-32.3%) lost 0.3% market share, followed by the growing Volkswagen (-25.3%), which gained 0.7% share by overtaking Renault, falling 28%.  Seat remained in 4th place despite reporting the worst performance in the leaderboard (-38.5%), followed by Toyota -up 2 spots- which on the other hand reported the best performance, losing “only” 19.2%.

Ford fell from 5th to 6th position this year, losing 34.2% sales, followed by Dacia (-24.5%)-up 1 spot- and Kia which jumped 4 spots and lost 20% sales. Closing the leaderboard we have Hyundai -up one spot- losing 27.6% this year and Fiat falling in last place by losing 29.3%.

The most sold vehicle this year has been the Dacia Sandero (-29.1%) with 24.035 units sold, ending the 12-year streak of Seat domination in the market by overtaking the Seat Leon, which lost 34.2% registering only 23.585 new sales this year. The Nissan Qashqai (-34.3%) closes the podium and remains in 3rd position with 19.818 units sold.

Tables with sales figures

In the tables below we report sales for all Brands, top 10 Manufacturers Group and top 10 Models.

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Spain. In 2019 the market signed the first decline since 2012, losing 2.4% Fri, 03 Jan 2020 14:00:16 +0000 Spanish autos market in the 2019 has reported a moderate decline ending a series of six consecutive growing years. Indeed, Total sales have been 1.302.951, down 2.4%, signing the first year-on-year decline since 2012. The three top manufacturers control almost 60% of the market.

Spanish autos market in the 2019 has reported a moderate decline ending a series of six consecutive growing years. Indeed, Total sales have been 1.302.951, down 2.4%, signing the first year-on-year decline since 2012. The three top manufacturers control almost 60% of the market.

Economic Environment

Spanish GDP data showed that the economy has been growing slower than initially estimated, with Q2 growth revised down to a three-year low. Nonetheless, the pace of expansion remained solid and available figures underline sustained momentum in Q3. Industrial production growth held broadly in line with Q2’s average in July–August, despite the manufacturing PMI remaining in contraction territory throughout Q3.
Moreover, retail sales rose strongly in July and August, which, coupled with solid employment growth in both months, hints at some improvement in household expenditure. That said, the sharp slowdown in job gains in September might have weighed on spending somewhat. In politics, polls indicate that the 10 November election will produce another fragmented Parliament, in which the possibility a third election is not off the table

Market Trend

Spanish vehicles market is recovering year-after-year since the tremendous fall reported after the 2009 crisis, when volume dropped by over the half. The government have sustained the recovery of the industry, crucial for a market that is the second major auto producer in Europe, with an incentive plan called PIVE, which sustain the scrap of old vehicles when purchasing a new one.

The program has been modulated across the years becoming a stable sustain to the domestic market and in the last six years it grew up from less than 0.7 million cars in 2012 to over 1.3 million registered in the 2018.

Indeed, in the 2018 the industry was reported up for the 6th year in a row with the best annual score in this decade, confirming the fast recovery of the country after the huge crisis of few year ago. According to data released by the Minister of Transportation, the year ended with 1.33 million sales, up 7.2%, the third best results ever and the best since 2007.

As far as engine mix, the development of new energy engine is rapid but still at marginal level, with Electric Vehicles sales at 11.814 units in the year (+62.9%) while gasoline sales surged at 63% of the market (vs 51% in the 2017) to 840.114 units (+32.3%) and diesels sales fall 19.6% to 482.157.

In the 2019 the market started slow declining for all the first eight month before to finally be positive for three consecutive months. However, the year ended with Total sales at 1.302.951, down 2.4%, signing the first year-on-year decline since 2012.

The market is one of the less concentrated in the World with the Top 10 brands holding only 63.1% of the market and the current leader, Peugeot with 8.7% just 3k units ahead of the second, Seat. Different is the view looking the share at Group level, with the top three, Volkswagen, PSA and RenaultNissan holding almost 60% of the market.

Tables with sales figures

In the tables below we report sales for all Brands, top 10 Manufacturers Group and top 10 Models.

This content is for members only. Visit the site and log in/register to read.
Spain 2018. Seat is back on top Thu, 03 Jan 2019 14:13:45 +0000 Spanish autos market grown 7.2% in the 2018 for the 6th time in a row. Seat established itself as the brand leader for the first time since 2011, winning the fight against Volkswagen and Peugeot. The Seat Leon was the best-selling model while Jeep doubled volume.

Spanish autos market grown 7.2% in the 2018 for the 6th time in a row. Seat established itself as the brand leader for the first time since 2011, winning the fight against Volkswagen and Peugeot. The Seat Leon was the best-selling model while Jeep doubled volume.

Economic Environment

Spanish economy seems to have maintained momentum in the fourth quarter, following the third quarter’s robust showing which was fueled by a pick-up in consumer spending. A strong rebound in retail sales and a notable acceleration in tourist arrivals in October, coupled with solid readings for the services PMI in October-November, indicate healthy private consumption.

Growth is set to decelerate this year due to a slowdown in domestic demand, although it should remain healthy nonetheless. Growth in fixed investment is seen moderating on tightening financing conditions and a softening recovery in the housing market. Meanwhile, slowing employment gains due to lower tourist flows, combined with a minimum wage hike and a possible tightening of the labor code, could weigh on private spending. A sizable fiscal deficit together with a burdensome public debt also threaten the outlook.

Market Trend

Spanish vehicles market is recovering year-after-year since the tremendous fall reported after the 2009 crisis, when volume dropped by over the half. The government have sustained the recovery of the industry, crucial for a market that is the second major auto producer in Europe, with an incentive plan called PIVE, which sustain the scrap of old vehicles when purchasing a new one.

The program has been modulated across the years becoming a stable sustain to the domestic market and in the last six years it grew up from less than 700.000 cars in 2012 to over 1.3 million last year.

The 2018 registered an increase in sales for the 6th year in a row with the best annual score in this decade, confirming the long run of the Spanish car passenger’s market. Indeed, according to data released by the Minister of Transportation through the local association of car distributors (ANIACAM), the year ended with 1.33 million sales, up 7.2%, the third best results ever and the best since 2007.

As far as engine mix, the development of new energy engine is rapid but still at marginal level, with Electric Vehicles sales at 11.814 units in the year (+62.9%) while gasoline sales surged at 63% of the market (vs 51% in the 2017) to 840.114 units (+32.3%) and diesels sales fall 19.6% to 482.157.

Sales 2014Sales 2015Sales 2016Sales 2017Sales 2018'+/- 2018

Competitive Arena

The domestic brand Seat ended the year back on top of the list, first time since 2011 after a tough competition with the two main competitors, Volkswagen and Peugeot. All of them improved in double digi while the 2017 leader, Renault, stepped back by 5%.

The final ranking reports Seat in first place with 07.349 sales (+13.6%), followed by Volkswagen with 102.968 sales (+14.9%), Peugeot with 101.502 (+15.6%) and Renault with 96.092 (-5.4%).

In fifth place Opel with 80.330 sales (-7.6%) ahead of Citroen with 72.446 (+11.9%), Toyota with 71.288 (+7.5%), Ford with 69.173 (+1.3%), Kia with 67.782 (+15%) and in 10th place Hyundai with 64.531 (+16.8%).

Remarkable the Jeep success with sales at 17.228 (+102.5%) gaining 4 positions in the ranking.

At model-wise, the Seat Leon was the best-selling model for the fifth consecutive year, ending the 2018 with 35.890 sales (+1.6%) ahead of the Seat Ibiza with 31.474 (-6.9%) and the Nissan Qashqai with 31.276 (+8.8%). To see the Spanish best-selling cars ranking, you can see here.

Research, Consulting, Data & Forecast

F2M covers intensively this market with several products developed to help any investigation required. Market Researches in PDF are immediately available for download with study on the market since 2005 and with forecast up to the 2025. AutoData in EXCEL are immediately downloadable with annual sales volume, split by month, for all brands and all models distributed in the market. This year data are released year to date, but you will receive a monthly update until the year-end.  See details within the Spain Corner Store

Rank 2018Rank 2017Sales 2018Sales 2017'+/- 2018
2421Land Rover7.81310.197-23,4%
2828Alfa Romeo4.7214.03716,9%
4342Aston Martin1723-26,1%
Rank 2018Rank 2017Sales 2018Sales 2017'+/- 2018Share 2018
11Volkswagen Group297.333266.39111,6%22,3%
33Renault Nissan Alliance224.191221.9771,0%16,8%
65Toyota Group78.54072.4548,4%5,9%
76Ford Group69.17368.2791,3%5,2%
99Mercedes Daimler58.77058.1961,0%4,4%
Rank 2018Rank 2017ModelSales 2016Sales 2017Sales 2018'+/- 2018
11Seat Leon33.65335.32735.8901,6%
22Seat Ibiza31.93633.80231.474-6,9%
34Nissan Qashqai25.20828.75731.2768,8%
45Dacia Sandero25.07026.79431.12116,1%
53Renault Clio25.36628.87328.798-0,3%
68Volkswagen Polo25.42423.86028.13817,9%
77Volkswagen Golf25.36026.07825.707-1,4%
824Peugeot 300810.48415.49422.86547,6%
96Opel Corsa26.90426.75022.847-14,6%
1015Peugeot 200816.94019.48822.66916,3%
1122Fiat 50013.26116.50321.31329,1%
1214Citroen C312.67319.98320.8014,1%
1310Peugeot 20821.59620.94320.742-1,0%
1423Volkswagen Tiguan12.08516.40020.55225,3%
1513Peugeot 30823.50720.10920.4151,5%
169Renault Mégane19.73923.34420.234-13,3%
17115Seat Arona-2.44419.368692,5%
1812Renault Captur19.68320.18719.356-4,1%
1911Hyundai Tucson19.41620.19818.332-9,2%
2025Toyota Yaris13.95915.44117.62314,1%
2117Toyota Auris17.99717.68417.457-1,3%
2218Seat Ateca5.41617.63116.954-3,8%
2320Ford Focus16.02717.24416.750-2,9%
2421Kia Sportage17.08216.84316.655-1,1%
2535Toyota C-HR65610.83815.90746,8%
2619Opel Mokka16.97217.24515.877-7,9%
2728Dacia Duster12.65312.27613.67611,4%
2826Citroen C4 Picasso13.87914.31513.091-8,6%
2916Opel Astra20.85219.16412.804-33,2%
3029Hyundai i2011.33312.07812.7435,5%
Spain 2017. Market up 8%, best in a decade Fri, 05 Jan 2018 07:00:02 +0000 Spanish autos market 2017 ended the best year in the decade with +6.3% sales in December. The full year results at 1.24 million car passenger's sold kept the momentum with a continue growth in the last 5 years. Renault is market leader.

Spanish autos market ended the best year in the decade with +6.3% sales in December. The full year results at 1.24 million car passenger’s sold kept the momentum with a continue growth in the last 5 years. Renault is market leader.

Spanish economy has stood its ground in the fourth quarter, despite heightened uncertainty linked to the political environment in Catalonia. Incoming data shows that the negative economic impact stemming from the crisis has been limited to the region, with growth momentum largely intact in the wider Spanish economy. In November, employment growth as measured by Social Security affiliations remained buoyant, the Economic Sentiment Indicator reached its highest print in nearly two years and the composite PMI inched up on upbeat operating conditions among manufacturers. Despite the resilient economic picture, the political impasse is unlikely to be resolved soon, following snap elections in Catalonia on 21 December. The vote yielded a similar result than in the previous election in 2015, with the three secessionist parties obtaining a narrow majority in the regional parliament. The results are bruising for the Spanish government, which had called the early election in the hopes of depriving the secessionists of their ruling majority.

Spanish vehicles market is recovering year-after-year since the tremendous fall reported after the 2009 crisis, when volume dropped by over the half. The government have sustained the recovery of the industry, crucial for a market that is the second major auto producer in Europe, with an incentive plan called PIVE, which sustain the scrap of old vehicles when purchasing a new one. The program has been modulated across the years becoming a stable sustain to the domestic market, that in the last five years grew up from less than 700.000 cars in 2012 to over 1.1 million last year. In the 2018 car passenger’s sales are projected over the 1.3 million.

Sales 2012Sales 2013Sales 2014Sales 2015Sales 2016Sales 2017 eSales 2018 e
2012 Var2013 Var2014 Var2015 Var2016 Var2017 Var e.2018 var e

We just released two new products, wonderful to figure out all about this market allowing you to receive in excel all data regarding the 2017 and/or a high professional research covering the 2010 – 2025 sales data and forecast for this market.


Indeed, according to data released by the Minister of Transportation through the local association of car distributors (ANIACAM), after the quite positive first half, with total car passenger’s sales at 670.919 units, up 7.6% in the second half the trend unchanged. In the Q3 sales improved 6.9%,in October 14.2% (with 95.108 sales), in November 13.1% (with 104.756 sales) and in December 6.3% (with 103.514 sales).

Full Year 2017 sales figures have been 1.241.462, up 8.2%, the best in a decade.

Light commercial vehicles Sales had been 176.590, up 17.2%.

At Brand-wise, the market is one of the most competitive world-wide with the best brands able to catch no more than 8% of market share.

This year, after having seen Seat on top for the first nine months, in October Renault gained the leadership with 101.528 sales (+12.1%) and market share at 8.2% ahead of Seat, actually second with 94.515 units (+21.6%).

Volkswagen is third with 89.636 units (+0.6%) followed by Peugeot with 87.794 units (+5.1%), Opel with 86.929 sales (-2.8%), Citroen with 68.445 (+12.8%), Ford with 68.279 (+3.5%), Toyota with 66.319 (+19.1%), Nissan with 62.424 (+9.3%) and in 10th place Kia with 58.951 (+10.4%).

At model wise, the Seat Leon with 35.327 (+62.1%) ahead of Seat Ibiza with 33.802 sales (-4.1%) and the Renault Clio with 28.874 (+8.4%). To see the Spanish best-selling cars ranking, you can see here.

Research, Consulting, Data & Forecast

F2M covers intensively this market with several products developed to help any investigation required. Market Researches in PDF are immediately available for download with study on the market since 2005 and with forecast up to the 2022. AutoData in EXCEL are immediately downloadable with annual sales volume, split by month, for all brands and all models distributed in the market. This year data are released year to date, but you will receive a monthly update until the year-end.  See details within the Spain Corner Store

Rank 2017Ran DecBrandSales 2017Sales DecVariation 2017Variation DecShare 2017Share Dec
2124Land Rover10.197681-0,7%-25,0%0,8%0,7%
2829Alfa Romeo4.03726126,6%-21,9%0,3%0,3%
4240Aston Martin232
Rank 2017Ran DecGroupSales 2017Sales DecVariation 2017Variation DecShare 2017Share Dec
13Volkswagen Group266.39118.3528,7%0,4%21,5%17,7%
31Renault Nissan Alliance221.97424.0079,4%17,4%17,9%23,2%
57Toyota M.C.72.4545.03318,2%1,0%5,8%4,9%
66Ford M.C.68.2795.2703,5%-9,4%5,5%5,1%
98Mercedes Benz58.1964.5439,2%4,1%4,7%4,4%
Rank 2017Rank DecModelSales 2017Sales DecVariation 2017Variation Dec
16Seat Leon35.3272.37562,1%62,1%
213Seat Ibiza33.8021.812-4,1%-4,1%
33Renault Clio28.8732.8348,4%8,4%
44Nissan Qashqai28.7572.79218,3%18,3%
51Dacia Sandero26.7943.11646,1%46,1%
630Opel Corsa26.7501.050-43,8%-43,8%
711Volkswagen Golf26.0781.913-28,2%-28,2%
821Volkswagen Polo23.8601.212-25,5%-25,5%
92Renault Mégane23.3442.92511,9%11,9%
107Peugeot 20820.9432.25319,7%19,7%
1112Citroen C320.7411.81664,0%64,0%
128Hyundai Tucson20.1982.248-5,5%-5,5%
135Renault Captur20.1872.46416,2%16,2%
1410Peugeot 30820.1091.9861,5%1,5%
159Peugeot 200819.4882.1606,0%6,0%
1637Opel Astra19.164930-40,3%-40,3%
1718Toyota Auris17.6841.275-21,5%-21,5%
1822Seat Ateca17.6311.202-1,1%-1,1%
1934Opel Mokka17.2451.001-20,0%-20,0%
2017Ford Focus17.2441.321-3,3%-3,3%
2114Kia Sportage16.8431.45357,4%57,4%
2264Fiat 50016.503510-29,2%-29,2%
2319Volkswagen Tiguan16.4001.2588,6%8,6%
2420Peugeot 300815.4941.229-1,4%-1,4%
2535Toyota Yaris15.441972-4,0%-4,0%
2623Citroen C4 Picasso14.3151.17128,8%28,8%
2716Renault Kadjar13.0651.361-0,7%-0,7%
2815Dacia Duster12.2761.38327,8%27,8%
2925Hyundai i2012.0781.1520,4%0,4%
3031Ford Kuga11.7101.04810,4%10,4%