uk best-selling cars Archives | Focus2Move automotive, research, data, statistics, cars, vehicles, ranking, forecast Tue, 14 Nov 2023 08:00:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 United Kingdom Auto Market Data & Report Tue, 14 Nov 2023 07:15:35 +0000 UK Auto Market is tracked with the last decade sales figures by all brands and models. You can have access to an Excel Dataset or to a Market Report, including next year's forecast.

UK Auto Market is tracked with the last decade sales figures by all brands and models. You can have access to an Excel Dataset or to a Market Report, including next year’s forecast.

Excel Dataset

We purchase new vehicles registrations for 159 countries worldwide – included this one – from the local official authorities and receive a monthly file with raw data by country.

You can have access to this service:

  • Data by Year/Month/Brand/Model/Segment
  • Historical data (from 2010 to last month) and/or to monthly sales update.
  • Next Year’s Forecast
  • Data is released in excel via mail or cloud.

Last 2 years dataset cost €3.000. 

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Market Report

The report provides a comprehensive and complete overview of the market competitive environment including information on the sales volumes of cars and light commercial vehicles, market size, market share, and industry trends.

Through our comprehensive global sales database and the expertise of seasoned consultants in this field, we can help you gain further insight into the automotive market trends and base your business decisions on actionable data.

Table of contents

  • Country Overview
    • Geography
    • History
    • People & Politics
  • Economic Outlook
    • Economy
    • Infrastructure
  • Market Outlook
    • Market Heritage
    • Car Passenger’s segmentation
    • LCVs segmentation
    • Car Passengers Body Type mix
    • LCVs Body Type mix
    • Premium segment share
    • Chinese OEMs share
  • Key Players
    • Top selling Groups 2022
    • Top selling Brands 2022
    • Premium Brands
    • Chinese Brands
  • Market Data By Model
    • Top selling Models 2022
    • Top models by segment and body type
  • Key Factors for market Evolution
    • Country development
    • Economic Outlook
    • Customer base evolution
    • Low-Carbon Transition Policy
    • Infrastructure & Investments
  • 2023-2028 Volume Forecast
    • TIV evolution by segment
    • Cars and LCVs forecast
    • Segments forecast
    • Premium segment share forecast
    • Chinese OEMs share forecast
    • Forecast by Manufacturer

Price for market research: €2,500

Price for market research + Last 2 Years dataset in excel: €4,000

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UK Best Selling Car. The top in 2019 Wed, 04 Mar 2020 18:30:01 +0000 UK Best Selling Car ranking in 2019 with the Ford Fiesta keeping the throne despite losing 18.8% from the previous year. The Ford Focus gained the market podium while the Mercedes A Class jumped in 6th place, reporting the best top 10 performance.

UK Best Selling Car ranking in 2019 with the Ford Fiesta keeping the throne despite losing 18.8% from the previous year. The Ford Focus gained the market podium while the Mercedes A Class jumped in 6th place, reporting the best top 10 performance.

In 2019, the UK best selling car has been again the Ford Fiesta, holding a wide gap over the followers, despite registering the worst top 10 performance. Indeed, the Fiesta ended the year at 77.833 sales, down 18.8% from the previous year.

In second place, the Volkswagen Golf with 58.994 sales (-11.7%), of the Ford Focus with 56.619 (+12.1%), the Mercedes C Class with 54.838 (-15.9%) and the Opel Corsa 54.239 (+2.5%).

In sixth place, we find the fast-growing Mercedes A Class with 53.724 sales (+23.4%), followed by the Nissan Qashqai with 52.532 (+3.2%) – down 2 spots – and the Ford Kuga with 41.671 (+3.1%).

Closing the top 10 ranking, Mini held the ninth place with 41.188 sales (-8.3%) ahead of the Volkswagen Polo, down 17% from the previous year with 37.453 units sold.

Tables with sales figures

In the tables below we report sales for top 100 Models.

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UK Best Selling Car. The top in the 2018 Mon, 04 Mar 2019 19:13:44 +0000 UK Best Selling Car ranking in the 2018 with the Volkswagen Golf, the Nissan Qashqai and the Ford Focus delining in double-digit. Meanwhile, positive performances were registered by the leader - the Ford Fiesta - and the Opel Corsa, reaching the podium.

UK Best Selling Car ranking in 2018 with the Volkswagen Golf, the Nissan Qashqai and the Ford Focus delining in double-digit. Meanwhile, positive performances were registered by the leader – the Ford Fiesta – and the Opel Corsa, reaching the podium.

According to data released by the Royal Minister of Transportation, the 2018 was in line with the previous year, closing with the second consecutive fall negative performance. Indeed, the market has the year with 2.366.929 sales (-6.8%), largely influenced by the Brexit uncertainty affecting business prospects and consumer morale.

The best-selling cars in 2018 were unchanged, with the  Ford Fiesta on top of the list with 95.892 units sold, gaining 1.4% from the previous year. In second place, the Volkswagen Golf sold in 66.790 units (-13.5%).

In third place the Vauxhall (Opel in the table) Corsa, up 2 spots, with 52.915 units (+0.3%) followed by the Nissan Qashqai with 50.546 units (-21.3%),  the Ford Focus with 50.492 units (-27.8%), the Volkswagen Polo  with 45.149 (-5.7%) and the Mini with 44.904 units (-5.8%).

In eight place the Mercedes A Class with 43.527 (-0.4%) ahead of the Ford Kuga with 40.398 (+3%) and, in 10th place, the Kia Sportage with 35.567 units (-10.4%).

Tables with sales figures

In the tables below we report sales for top 100 Models.

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UK 2018. Brexit fever up, market down Sat, 05 Jan 2019 11:40:26 +0000 British Vehicles Market in 2018 fell again 6.8% continuing the negative perfomance of past year, affected by the Brexit uncertainty and several measures targeting diesel-powered vehicles. The Ford Fiesta is the best-selling model for the 10th time in a row.

British Vehicles Market in 2018 fell again 6.8% keeping the negative performance of past year, affected by the Brexit uncertainty and several measures targeting diesel-powered vehicles. The Ford Fiesta is the best-selling model for the 10th time in a row.

Economic Environment

British economy have lost momentum in the final quarter. In the three months to October, GDP growth slowed on lower car sales and a softer pharmaceutical sector, while retail sales declined in month-on-month terms for the second straight month in October. Meanwhile, in November the services PMI slipped to an over two-year low, due to slower expansions in new orders and employment, while sentiment among consumers worsened.

In contrast, the labor market remains a bright spot; in the three months to October, employment growth was solid, while nominal wage growth reached a near-decade high. On the political front, Prime Minister Theresa May recently called off the vote on the Brexit withdrawal agreement scheduled for 11 December, due to a lack of parliamentary support. She subsequently survived a no-confidence motion tabled by Conservative MPs.

Growth should be fueled next year by the looser fiscal stance and higher wages boosting private consumption. However, private fixed investment will likely remain subdued until there is greater clarity on the Brexit front. A failure to ratify the EU withdrawal deal before the UK departs the bloc in March 2019 is the key downside risk.

Market Trend

According to data released by the Royal Minister of Transportation, the 2018 was in line with the previous year, closing with the second consecutive fall negative performance. Indeed, the market has the year with 2.366.929 sales (-6.8%), largely influenced by the Brexit uncertainty affecting business prospects and consumer morale.

Moreover, several government measures targeting diesel-powered vehicles have affected the market, where diesel sales kept crumbling – down 29.6% – to the advantage of petrol sales, up 8.7%. However, Alternatively Fueled Vehicles (AFV) have boomed at 20.9%.

Sales 2014Sales 2015Sales 2016Sales 2017Sales 2018'+/- 2018

Competitive Arena

In a couple of years, BREXIT will dramatically change the competitive landscape in Great Britain. In the last 50 years, the market has been dominated by two brands, Ford and the GM owned Vauxhall (sold to PSA in the 2017), but their empire is over.

Ford of Britain started the business in 1909 and has been the UK’s biggest-selling car and commercial vehicle brand for 34 and 45 consecutive years respectively until June 2018 when Volkswagen has taken the leadership for three consecutive months (but in September Ford was back on top).

Looking at the 2018 ranking, the market share of the leader has been further eroded and Ford led the line with 254.082 units (-11.6%), closing with 10.7% of market share.

In second place Volkswagen with 203.133 sales (-2.6%) having taken a safe gap over Opel (Vauxhall) actually third with 177.297 units (-9.1%).

In fourth place Mercedes with 172.238 (-4.8%) followed by BMW with 172.048 (-1.7%), Audi with 143.739 (-17.9%), Nissan with 102.637 (-32.1%), Toyota with 101.922 (-0.1%), Kia with 95.764 (+2.7%) and in 10th place Hyundai with 89.925 (-3.7%).

At model-wise, the 2018 best-selling car is the Ford Fiesta with 95.892 sales (+1.4%), ahead of the Volkswagen Golf with 64.829 (-13.1%) and the Opel Corsa with 52.915 (+0.3%).

Tables with sales figures

In the tables below we report sales for all Brands, top 10 Manufacturers Group and top 10 Models

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UK Best Selling Car. The top 50 in the 2017 Sun, 11 Mar 2018 15:15:09 +0000 UK Best Selling Car ranking in the 2017 with Ford and Vauxhall declining under the attach of German models. The Volkswagen Golf gained the second step of the podium while the last generation of Nissan Qashqai was fourth.

UK Best Selling Car ranking in the 2017 with Ford and Vauxhall declining under the attach of German models. The Volkswagen Golf gained the second step of the podium while the last generation of Nissan Qashqai was fourth.

British vehicles market flourished in recent years hitting two consecutive all time record in 2015 and 2016 overtaking for the first time the milestone of 3 million light vehicles sales in a year. Car passenger’ record was established in the 2016 with 2.692.000 units. However, since mid 2016 the market ended the speed and has progressively taken a descendent track. Indeed, according to data released by the Royal Minister of Transportation, in the 2017 full year sales have been 2.540.000, down 5.4%.  2018 outlook is negative and sales are foreseen near 2.3 million units.

If you wish to give a final check at the 2016 best-selling car ranking, do it before reading this year rank.

The best-selling cars in 2017 unchanged, with the  Ford Fiesta on top of the list despite the lost of sales due to the run out of sixth generation and the production rump up of the seventh.

Ford Fiesta annual sales have been 94.533 (-21.6%) with a narrowed margin over the aggressive leader of imported vehicles, up 1 spot,  the  Volkswagen Golf  sold in 77.231 units (+11.1%).

In third place the Ford Focus with 69.903 units (-0.9%) followed by the Nissan Qashqai with 64.216 units (+2.4%),  the Vauxhall (Opel in the table) Corsa with 52.773 units (-31.6%), the Vauxhall Astra with49.370 (-18.7%) and the Volkswagen Polo with 47.855 units (-12.1%).

In eight place the Mini with 47.669 (-1.4%) ahead of the Mercedes C Class with 45.912 (+3.9%) and, in 10th place,  the Mercedes A Class with 43.717 units (+6.2%).

Tables with sales figures

In the tables below we report sales for top 50 models.


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UK 2017. Volkswagen takes the second place in a market down 5% Sun, 07 Jan 2018 06:00:09 +0000 UK Cars Sales fell 5.4% in the 2017 with all the second half down in double-digit and December down 14%. Ford still market leader albeit losing share while Vauxhall has lost the second place, taken by Volkswagen, aiming to improve profitability.

UK Cars Sales fell 5.4% in the 2017 with all the second half down in double-digit and December down 14%. Ford still market leader albeit losing share while Vauxhall has lost the second place, taken by Volkswagen, aiming to improve profitability.

British economy continues to send mixed signals in the second half of the year. Recent data show that growth in Q3 beat expectations, thanks to a resilient service sector and a jump in industrial production. In addition, both the services and manufacturing PMIs moved further into positive territory in October, while the unemployment rate remained at a multi-decade low in the third quarter. However, over the same period employment fell and the inactivity rate rose compared to Q2, hinting at a slight softening in a labor market which had remained rock-solid despite Brexit uncertainty. Growth has also lagged significantly behind the EU average since the start of the year, and with continuing negative real wage growth, private consumption is being fueled by consumers running down their savings.

The automotive industry is a key pillar of the local economy and a strong export factor since years and despite all local brands had been acquired by foreign companies and therefore the sector has to re-think many strategies now that the BREXIT process is ongoing. In the short-term, the market is seen in moderate decline, after years of stable growth and the all time record hit last year. In the middle term, the market should be hit be the effects of BREXIT on the economy.

British vehicles market flourished in recent years hitting two consecutive all time record in 2015 and 2016 overtaking for the first time the milestone of 3 million light vehicles sales in a year. Car passenger’ record was established in the 2016 with 2.692.000 units. However, since mid 2016 the market ended the speed and has progressively taken a descendent track.

Indeed, according to data released by the Royal Minister of Transportation, in the 2017 full year sales have been 2.540.000, down 5.4%.  2018 outlook is negative and sales are foreseen near 2.3 million units.

We just released two new products, wonderful to figure out all about this market allowing you to receive in excel all data regarding the 2017 and/or a high professional research covering the 2010 – 2025 sales data and forecast for this market.

Brand-wise, Ford is still on top of the list albeit the trend is below the industry and the year was ended with 287.396 sales (-9.7%).

Volkswagen gained the second place with 208.452 sales (+0.7%) overtaking Vauxhall (Opel in the tables) down 22.2% with 195.137 units. This brand is expected to keep losing volume in the next months as the new owner (PSA) input is to cut unprofitable sales.

In fourth place Mercedes with 180.970 units (+6.6%) followed by BMW with 175.101 (-4.1%), Audi with 174.197 units (-1.3%), Nissan with 151.156 (-0.9%), Toyota with 101.985 (+5.4%), Hyundai with 93.403 (+1.0%) and in 10th place Kia with 93.222 (+4.3%).

Tables with sales figures

In the tables below we report sales for all Brands, top 10 Manufacturers Group and top 10 Models

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UK Best Selling Car 2016. The top 100 Fri, 03 Feb 2017 13:59:57 +0000 UK Best Selling Car 2016 with the Ford Fiesta leader with a wide gap over all others. The top 100 models ranking shows new stars like the Land Rover Discovery Sport and the Renault Kadjar.

UK Best Selling Car 2016 with the Ford Fiesta leader with a wide gap over all others. The top 100 models ranking shows new stars like the Land Rover Discovery Sport and the Renault Kadjar.

British new vehicles market is almost stable with a huge rule always reserved to the purchase by company, which limit opportunities for new comers to gain much space.

Indeed, the top-selling models ranking has been almost stable in recent years and in the 2016 as well.

During the year, top five models unchanged from 2015 despite the top 4 have all lost volume.

The leader was again the Ford Fiesta with 120.525 sales (-9.37) with over 50.000 units gap over the second, the Vauxhall (Opel in the table) Corsa with 77.110 units (-16.3%) and the Ford Focus with 70.545 units (-15.8%).

In fourth place the Volkswagen Golf with 69.492 sales (-5.3%) followed by the Nissan Qashqai with 62.682 units (+3.1%), the Vauxhall Astra with 60.719 (-15.2%)  and the Volkswagen Polo with 54.448 (-0.8%).

Advancing one spot, in eight place the Mini with 48.328 (+2.7%) ahead of the Mercedes C Class with 44.184 (+5.7%) and, in 10th place,  the Audi A3 with 43.808 units (-8.1%)..

Tables with sales figures

In the tables below we report sales for top 100 models.

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UK 2016. Sales at the new all time record Sat, 14 Jan 2017 11:00:48 +0000 UK Cars 2016 celebrate the new all time record, the second in a row. The light vehicles market was over 3 million units ranking as 6th in the World immediately behind India and Germany.

UK Cars 2016 celebrate the new all time record, the second in a row. The light vehicles market was over 3 million units ranking as 6th in the World immediately behind India and Germany.

Market Outlook

The United Kingdom’s economy continues to hold up well. The economy was supported by a rebound in exports while domestic demand disappointed. Economic activity is performing well as the smooth political transition following the resignation of former Prime Minister David Cameron and the stimulus of the Central Bank are keeping consumer and business confidence at reasonable levels. However, the depreciation of the pound, rising inflation and insufficient wage hikes risk eroding household consumption.

Despite any pessimistic forecast, after the June referendum to leave EC, the automotive market has followed its own track, reporting only two months (July and December) below the 2015 and hitting the new all time record volume.

Indeed, BREXIT is not coming. The British parliament and government has not yet formally taken care of popular vote and when they will, the transaction period of 24 months will start. Our impression is that they will found how to avoid this event.

Ending the year with a shy December (sales at 178.022 units, down 1.1%) the British domestic car passenger market hit in the 2016 a new record with 2.692.786, up 2.3%, hitting the second consecutive all-time record year in the fifth raising year in a row.

Light commercial vehicles ended at their record as well, with 375.000 sales (+1.0%) with total light vehicles market at 3.068.000, for the second time about the 3 million units, ranking as 6th in the World.

Competitive Arena

Ford, Opel and Volkswagen were on top 3 despite the sales losses, while Renault, Mercedes, Kia, Honda and Land Rover reported performances, all in double digit. Jaguar hit the best increase with 34.822 sales, up 45.4%.

Less positive performance were registered for Peugeot and Fiat, but the worse ticket of the year was posted by Citroen, losing 21.3% at 62.991.

At model wise, the Ford Fiesta was the leader with 120.525 sales (-9.7%) followed by the Opel (Vauxhall) Corsa with 77.110 units (-15.2%) and third was the Ford Focus with 70.545 sales (-15.8%).

Tables with sales figures

In the tables below we report sales for all Brands, top 10 Manufacturers Group and top 10 Models

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UK Cars Market in March 2016 hit a new record. Thu, 07 Apr 2016 08:30:32 +0000 UK Cars Market in March 2016 hit a new record. The industry kept momentum despite the winning series in place has touched the 48 months out of last 49. Ford slow in March when Vauxhall recovered. Land Rover in 10th.

UK Cars Market in March 2016 hith a new record. The industry kept momentum despite the winning series in place has touched the 48 months out of last 49. Ford slow in March when Vauxhall recovered.  Land Rover in 10th.

Market Outlook

No way to stop the pace of the British new vehicles market! In March, the most relevant month of the year due to the change of yearly plate number, the market scored the highest ever sales record. The fuel to grow is still there after a series of 48 year on year winning months out of the last 49.

According to figures released by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (S.M.M.T.) the Car Passenger’s sales in March hit the all time record with 518.707 units, up 5.3% from the same month last year.

First Quarter 2016 was the highest ever with 771.780 sales, up 5.1% from the previous record scored last year and now the year is projected above 2.8 million units.

Competitive Arena

Following two strong months, Ford was unable to keep the pace in March losing 4.9% with 60.349 registrations and 11.6% of market share. In the Q1 Ford sales had been 93.897 (-1.0%).

In second place Vauxhall (Opel in the tables below) recovered after a slow start of the year selling 51.902 cars (+6.6%) with first quarter at 75.033 (-0.2%).

Volkswagen was third with sales flat at 38.6944 and was followed by BMW with 32.470 registrations (+20.6%), Audi with 30.483 (+4.6%), Mercedes with 30.243 (+13.6%), Nissan with 28.489 (-8.2%), Toyota with 21.481 (+4.6%), Peugeot with 20.209 (-7.4%) and in 10th place, Land Rover with 18.234 (+17.6%).

At group-wise, Volkswagen ended the Q1 on top with 18.5% of market share followed by Ford at 12.2% and Nissan-Renault at 9.8%.

Ford Fiesta was as usual the best-selling model with 23.467 sales (-22.0%) followed by Vauxhall Corsa with 17.368 (-10.4%) and the Ford Focus with 14.002 sales (-9.3%).

Tables with sales figures

In the tables below we report sales for all Brands, top 10 Manufacturers Group and top 10 Models


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UK Best Selling Cars ranking. The top 100 models in 2015. Sat, 19 Mar 2016 17:56:45 +0000 UK Best Selling Cars 2015 ranking led again by the Ford Fiesta with a safe gap over the new follower, the Vauxhall Corsa, and the Ford Focus. Mini and the Vauxhall Mokka shine

UK Best Selling Cars 2015 ranking led again by the Ford Fiesta with a safe gap over the new follower, the Vauxhall Corsa, and the Ford Focus. Mini and the Vauxhall Mokka shine.

The 2015 will be remembered as the record year for the British domestic vehicles market, first time ever above 3 million light vehicles sales, and all time record both for cars and lcvs segments.

Looking at the best-selling cars, the leader was unchanged from the previous year, the Ford Fiesta with 131.815 sales (-5.7%) still with a safe gap over the followers, now led by the Vauxhall (Opel in the table) Corsa, up 2 spots, with 90.982 units.

Third was the Ford Focus with 82.679 units (+0.3%) followed by the Volkswagen Golf, down 2 spots, with 73.409 sales (-12.2%), the Nissan Qashqai with 60.092 (+23.9%), the Volkswagen Polo with 53.961 (+16.9%), the Vauxhall Astra with 52.201 (-19.9%) and the Mini with 47.421 (+32.6%).

In 9th place the best premium model, the Audi A3 with 45.055 sales (+8.0%) ahead of the Vauxhall Mokka with 44.716 (+35.8%), the Mercedes C Class with 44.588 (+17.7%) and the Nissan Juke, 12th with 40.706 units (+6.4%).

Tables with sales figures

In the tables below we report sales for top 100 models.


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