Romanian Auto market in 2021 falls by 4% with 121,198 sales, reporting a double-digits loss in Q1 and Q4, bringing down the growth of Q2 and Q3. Hyundai reaches 2nd place, rising 4 spots.
Market Trend
The Romanian car market this year was unable to recover from the market crash of 2020. In fact, sales were down in double-digits in Q1 and Q4.
The market was among the worst in Europe during the 2009 crisis, declining to a negative peak in 2013 with 57,710 passenger car sales. Then, the economic recovery pushed the market up with uninterrupted growth up to 2019 with 161,562 sales (+23.4%).
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic sales fell in 2020. In fact, 126,351 units have been sold, reporting a decline of 21.8% compared to 2019.
In 2021 the year started negatively for the Romanian market, in fact, in Q1 20,752 units have been sold, reporting a 25.8% decrease in sales compared to Q1 2020, while in Q2 sales started growing quickly, reporting a 24.5% increase in sales with 26,936 units due to the low volumes in Q2 2020.
In Q3 sales slowed down slightly (+16%) with 40,564 units, while in Q4 sales dropped a significant 21% with 32,946 units.
Indeed, Full-Year sales for 2021 have been 121,198, reporting a 4% decrease compared to 2020.

Brand-wise, this year the leader and home-grown brand Dacia (-12.9%) lost 2.9% market share, followed by Hyundai (+39.1%) -up4 spots-, which gained 2.4% share, and Toyota which gained 2.3% share, gaining 39.3%. Ford -up 1 spot- reached 4th place and gained 13.7%, followed by Renault which lost 20.9%.
Skoda -down 4 spots- lost 22.6%, followed by Volkswagen (-17.5%) -down 3 spots- and Suzuki which gained 10.7% sales. Closing the leaderboard we have Mercedes -up 1 spot- gaining 11.5%, overtaking Peugeot -down 1 spot- in last place losing 3.9%.
The most sold vehicle this year remains the Dacia Logan (-28.2%) with 13,270 units sold, followed by the Dacia Duster (-7.9%) registering 9,045 new sales this year. The Dacia Sandero (-12.7%) closes the podium and reports 8,227 new units sold.
Tables with sales figures
In the tables below we report sales for all Brands, top 10 Manufacturers Group and top 10 Models