VW Polo World best-selling small car in 2019. See the Top 25 ranking


World Best Selling Small Cars in 2019 was still dominated by the Volkswagen Polo – despite losing 17.4% from the previous year – followed by the Toyota Yaris and the Renault Clio. The Chevrolet Onix landed in 5th place, while the Honda N-Box entered the top 10.

On top of the best selling ranking there is again the last four years leader, the Volkswagen Polo with 596.585 sales – despite losing 17.4% – with a huge gap over all the followers. Produced since the 1975, in over 12 million units so far. In September 2017 the 6th generation was released for sales in almost all countries in the World.

In second place, the Toyota Yaris with 414.913 units – improving 3.5% – ahead of the Renault Clio, with 316.117 (-17.4%) and the Ford Fiesta with 311.735 units (-17.1%).

In fifth place the Chevrolet Onix – up 5 positions – with 276.675 sales (+8%) followed by the Peugeot 208 with 269.110 (-6.5%).

In seventh place the Kia Rio with 259.323 (-4.8%) followed by the Honda Fit with 256.867 (-13.3%), the Honda N-Box – up 3 spots – with 253.500 sales (+4.8%) and the Citroen C3 with 248.501 (-2.4%).

Tables with sales figures

In the tables below we report sales for all Brands, top 10 Manufacturers Group and top 10 Models

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