Fiat 2018. Global sales into free-fall, down again 9.8%

Fiat Global Performance

Fiat Global performance in recent years has not followed the global industry growth and is one of the worst globally with over 25% sales fall reported in the period 2010-2017. In the 2018, sales fell 9.8% at 1.5 million. Lack-ness of products strategy, alternative fuel vehicles and SUVs the reasons. In the recently published study, focus2move team projects volumes at 1.8 million by the 2025.

Fiat ranks as the 18th car brand in the World, being overtaken also by Jeep, thus losing the leadership within the F.C.A Group.

Fiat is the 6th largest brand in Europe, where it concentrates more than 60% of the mix, offering a wide range of models and finding in the Fiat 500 its iconic car. Moreover, Fiat Professional is the brand name and subsidiary for FCA Italy’s light commercial vehicles and their passenger variants.

Looking at the 2018 sales country-wise, sales have been penalized by the sharp fall in the top market, Italy, down 23.7% due to the decision to progressively give up from the dumping policy applied, with huge bulk of units sold to fleet just to keep market share up.

In the 2018 Fiat has sold 1.5 million light vehicles in the World, confirming the recent years’ disappointing trend, losing 9.8%.

Since the 2010 the brand sales declined 26.7% with a CAGR of -3.3%. During the same frame of time, global light vehicles market grew up from 73.7 million to 94.3 million with a global CAGR of 3.5%. So Fiat sharply lost market share in this period. According to our study, in the period 2019-2025 Fiat will boost sales at 1.8 million units.

Tracking all brands sales across the World – with a current coverage of 150 markets – the Focus2move Research Team has analyzed in detail the growth of Fiat in the World since 2010, reporting in the just updated market research “Fiat Global Sales Performance 2010-2025” all sales broken down by region, country and model.

In addition they have projected the development of the brand sales up to 2025 taking under consideration both the single market development forecast and the brand plans in terms of line up and growth.

The result has been a unique in the World, research, offered at the huge value of €750, available for direct purchase on this web site.