Kazakhstan’s Auto market in 2021 rises by 28.6% with 119,454 sales, reporting a very strong performance all year. Chevrolet reached the top of the leaderboard, gaining 199.2% sales.
Market Trend
Kazakhstan’s car market this year attempted to recover from the pandemic crash of 2020 and reported a very promising performance all year long.
Following and supporting the rapid economic development, the automotive industry born in the early days of this century, was one of the fastest-growing in the World in the decade ended in 2013. In that year sales at 163,537 units scored the tenth annual all-time record in a row.
The growth was too fast and when the C.I.S. region entered in recession due to the collateral effect of ONU sanctions to Russia, the market dropped down, the price increased, additional tax on the sector, and negative consumer demand.
Performing worse than any expectations, the domestic market dropped down for three consecutive years, losing near 70% of record volume and landing at 46,327 units at the end of 2016. In 2017, a new positive pathway was taken, and in 2018 sales increased at 58,465, recovering 24.4%.
The recovery continued in 2019 when all months have been reported year-on-year growth, ending at 71,940, up 23%.
Sales in 2020 have grown by 29.1% despite the COVID-19 pandemic. In fact, 92,869 units have been sold.
In 2021 the year started very positively for the Kazakhstan market, in fact, in Q1 24,2161 units have been sold, reporting a 35.6% increase in sales compared to Q1 2020, while in Q2 sales started growing even quicker due to the incredibly low levels of the previous year, reporting a 75.3% increase in sales with 32,192 units.
In Q3 sales slowed down but kept increasing in double-digits, gaining 11% sales with 30,278 units, and in Q4 32,823 units have been sold (+11.5%).
Indeed, Full-Year sales for 2021 have been 119,454, reporting a 28.6% increase compared to 2020.

Brand-wise, this year the new leader Chevrolet (+199.2%) gained an impressive 14.3% market share, overtaking Hyundai (+27.7%), which lost 0.1% share. Toyota remained in 3rd place and grew 37.7%. Kia rose 2 spots and gained 61.7%, followed by Lada which fell 3 spots and registered the worst performance by falling 46.4%.
Volkswagen ended up in 6th position -up 3 spots- and grew 66.9%, followed by Gaz (+23.3%) and Nissan which gained 61.5% sales. Closing the leaderboard we have JAC -up 2 spots- gaining 51.6% this year and Renault falling 2 spots and gaining 39.4%.
The most sold vehicle this year has been the Chevrolet Cobalt (+215.9%) with 15,352 units sold, followed by the Chevrolet Nexia, which impressively gained 272.6% registering 10,958 new sales this year. The Hyundai Accent (+76.3%) closes the podium and reports 9,068 new units sold.
Tables with sales figures
In the tables below we report sales for all Brands, top 10 Manufacturers Group and top 10 Models.