Austria’s Auto market in 2021 falls by 3.6% with 239,803 sales, reporting a very strong first half, followed by a double-digit fall in the second part of the year. Audi and Fiat are the only two brands to report a positive performance.
Market Trend
The Austrian car market this year attempted to recover from the pandemic crash of 2020 and reported a very promising performance in the first half, followed by a progressively sharper drop in the second half.
The market is resilient to crisis, mature, and in recent years has shown one of the most stable trends in Europe. After reaching a peak of 353,596 units (+7.3%) in 2017, the market went marginally down (-3.3%) in 2018, registering 341,832 units and kept the same trend in 2019 with 329,363 sales.
Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic full-Year sales for 2020 have been 248,740, reporting a decline of 24.5% compared to 2019.
In 2021 the year started positively for the Austrian market, in fact, in Q1 63,522 units have been sold, reporting a 16.1% increase in sales compared to Q1 2020, and in Q2 sales kept growing, reporting a 21.7% increase in sales with 70,874 units due to the low volumes in Q2 2020.
In Q3 sales started falling quickly, losing 18.2% with 55,485 units, and in Q4 sales kept falling 26.5% with just 49,922 units.
Indeed, Full-Year sales for 2021 have been 239,803, reporting a 3.6% decrease compared to 2020.

Brand-wise, this year the leader Volkswagen (-6.3%) lost 0.4% market share, followed by Skoda (-7.6%), which lost 0.4% share as well. BMW gained 0.2% share, falling 1.2%. Seat fell in 4th place and reported a loss of 4.8%, followed by Mercedes which lost 3.5%.
Audi reported the best performance by gaining 13%, followed by Ford (-13.7%) -down 2 spots- and Hyundai -down 1 spot- which lost 8.6%. Closing the leaderboard we have Renault dropping 3 spots and losing 16.8% and on the other hand Fiat entered the leaderboard by gaining 10.2% sales.
The most sold vehicle this year has been the Fiat 500 (+25.6%) with 6,477 units sold, overtaking the Skoda Octavia, which lost 21.8% registering 6,233 new sales this year. The Volkswagen Golf (-30.9%) closes the podium with 4,816.
Tables with sales figures
In the tables below we report sales for all Brands, top 10 Manufacturers Group and top 10 models.