Brazil best selling cars in 2015. A Hyundai was best in class!

Brazil best selling cars

Brazil best selling cars ranking in 2015 was dominated by Hyundai HB20. The podium was without a Volkswagen, first time after 15 years, with the Gol having lost half of 2014 sales volume.

After just few years of presence in the market, in the 2015 the Korean Hyundai achieved a key milestone along the way to be a leader inside the Brazilian automotive industry and in the entire Latin America, thanks to the success of the HB20.

For the first time ever, a Korean model became leader in a Latin America country and did it in the largest.

The HB20 is available both in sedan and hatchback derivative and is locally produced since the 2014. It had taken the leadership of the Brazilian market at the end of the first half 2015 and  has consolidated this place in the following months gaining terrain over all the followers.

At the end of the 20115 the Hyunday HB20 led with 163.674 sales (-8.9%) followed by the Chevrolet Onix with 125.931 (-16.5%) and the new Ford Ka with 124.247.

The Fiat Palio ranked in 4th place with 122.634 sales (-37.1%) followed by the  Fiat Strada, the best commercial vehicle, with 98.631 units (-35.6%), the former leader, the Volkswagen Gol with 82.746 units (-54.9%), the Fiat Uno with 79.783 (-34.7%), the Volkswagen Fox with 75.590 (-21.5%), the Renault Sandero with 78.174 (-18.0%) and in 10th place the Chevrolet Prisma with 70.336 (-20.4%).

Tables with sales figures

In the tables below we report sales for the top 100 Models

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